Giveaway for all Kirby’s and Leah’s supporters! CLICK! (Closed)

So after much thought and time, this Mischief Monday, Kirby and I are holding a fabulous REVIEW/GIVEAWAY thanks to Waggy Pooch! It has taken me a while, but I have found a product I am actually in love with and believe everyone on here could actually use and like. It is a dog towel, but not just any dog towel! Trust me just watch the video and I guarantee you’ll want this as well. Towel for review and giveaway is kindly provided by Waggy Pooch

I have had a problem for quite sometime, giving Kirby a bath and getting him dry (watch the video for further explanation) this towel has actually solved this problem for us, and through research on it, I realized how it could be beneficial to all dogs really!

So watch the video as I try it out for you all, and how to enter to win one!


1.Go to sign up for the newsletter

  • (If you have a pop-up blocker and it doesn’t appear right away you can sign up on facebook by clicking on the tab that says “Free EBOOK” )

2. Like Waggy Pooch on Facebook
3.Make sure you are following me on my blog (
4.Leave comment below this post to let me know you want to enter

(if you don’t have FB you can replace that rule and follow them on twitter – )


*The towel I received is the size of towel you will win in the giveaway.

*This giveaway is for USA and Canada only.

*Please have your parents permission before entering if you are under 18, because if you win I will need to know your mailing address and send it to Waggy Pooch online boutique store so they can mail you your towel.

-I was not paid to do this review/giveaway, I was sent the product to review 🙂

Snoopy's Dog Blog

73 thoughts on “Giveaway for all Kirby’s and Leah’s supporters! CLICK! (Closed)

  1. We can’t enter as we are in the UK.
    We hope you had a Happy Easter and that the Easter Bunny hopped over with lots of treats.
    Have a marvelous Monday.
    Remember don’t be fooled by April Fools!
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I dry pretty fast just naturally, so a normal towel does the job. My sister takes like a week to dry but no towel will help her…she just has lots of deep thick fur!

  3. That sounds like a great giveaway! I’d love the product but Cocco is such a pain to even get in the bath that we know so many others could use this more than us. So nice to do that!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  4. Kirby and Miss Leah:
    FANTASTIC review (oh, and Miss Leah, I love your hair colors. BOL)! We have the same problem after a bath as you and Kirby. Ma could use three towels, all get sopping wet and I am still not dry. I HATE the blow-dryer…the noisy, hot wind machine…I run from it. I bet that towel would work for me.
    I am running off to follow Waggy Pooch on Twitter and grab their newsletter You know I already follow your blog…I wouldn’t miss any of Kirby’s adventures.
    *high paws*

  5. I loved your video. It also takes forever for Romeo to dry, so this would be such a cool towel to win,

  6. Oh, that is a FABulous towel guys!! I loved the review! Count me in!!
    I just gots a bath yesterday and Ma used FOUR towels, and I still was wet!! hmmph!

  7. I tried to re-tweet but I am not too sure if I did it right or not but I KNOW I did the rest including the Facebook step properly…I think you’re trying to teach this old dog a new trick (me) with the Twitter stuff but I’m game to give it all a whirl! (Just please tell me if I do something on it that is totally dumb…a little dumb I’m ok with ha!), I like your new look too…it’s cute on you! I hope you get lots of hits on You Tube too! Seems like a pretty good towel too 🙂 Great review!

    • Don’t worry got both comments, your entered, if it doesn’t go through or something weird happens chances are I got it I just need to approve it for some reason. WP can be strange like that. You are enetered Max! I commented on your other comment too 🙂

  8. I tried to post earlier but something went wrong :(. Loved your review – you and Kirby are just too cute!!! Great review! I think you’re gonna teach this old dog (me) a new trick with the Twitter thing (you’ll have to tell me if I re-tweeted if properly or not…still not too sure about the whole twitter thing yet…but gonna get there!). I at least DID know how to do the rest of the steps including FB 🙂 …yea! Will include a little piece on Max’s blog to send folks over for your contest too tomorrow…I love contests too! 🙂 Seems like a good product – thanks for the review and love your new hair look too – very cute!

    • Don’t worry I got both comments, just WP can be odd sometimes and make me approve comments from blogger, even if they came over and posted like a bunch of times!!!! You are entered and thanks so much for your lovely comments, and doing all the steps. You guys are the best! Entered, entered entered! 🙂

  9. You did a great review Kirby and looks like a really terrific towel, but all the towels you could find wouldn’t get us dry. We just have to dry naturally 🙂

  10. What a great towel!! I just have a regular one, but I think this would be great for all my fur! I get bathed all the time, so it would get lottsa use!! I’ve completed all the steps, so I’ve got my paws crossed that I win!! 🙂

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  11. Great job with the review, Kirby! We’re cats here, so we don’t get wet very often (except for Moosey, who’s a little crazy that way), so we’ll sit this giveaway out. 🙂

  12. I’ve heard of the drypet towel before – looks pretty cool. Shiner hates baths! She doesn’t get very wet because her fur is short, but she won’t stop rubbing herself on furniture or the carpet afterwards. I’ll enter your giveaway, off to like and stuff!

  13. Hey Kirby! We’ve been very very very busy! So much to tell everyone, we had our very first overnight stay in a kennel while mommy went to Washington DC with a friend. It was scary but Henri was there to keep me company and I will admit even though mommy said she’d be right back I was beginning to get worried. I think she is doing a post about it tomorrow. So happy to be back and catching up on what Kirby and you are doing. I’m not going to enter the contest because mommy already has one of those towels but mostly we like it when mommy dries us off a bit then throws the towels on the floor and we roll around on them. Mommy took a few videos so maybe she’ll post them!

  14. I added your blog to my BlogSpot follow list 🙂
    I liked WaggyPooch on facebook
    I would like to enter the giveaway. I am having trouble locating where to sign up for the newsletter on the WaggyPooch website.

    • Your right two labs might be over the limit of what this size towel can do. I know though they also sell a larger one at Waggy Pooch as well, just incase you ever might wanna try it out 🙂

  15. HufflePup is very excited that we’re in the US, and eligible. He feels we could do a lot better job of drying him so we don’t have to use the monster blowdryer 🙂

    We’ve subscribed to the newsletter and to your RSS feed and follow WaggyPooch on Twitter (@HufflePup).

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