Quick video post & name poll

So not much besides painting painting painting is new. Though the betta has settled in very well and Kirby got into some tomato sauce, which is all in the video below! Have a great week everyone! 🙂 Also I am putting up the pole for the name of the fish by all your suggestions. So vote! 🙂

*Also meant to put in the name “Miracle” but forgot! So if you think this one speak up!

26 thoughts on “Quick video post & name poll

  1. Loved the video and your instructions/advice on how to properly care for this type of a fish. Sad that our suggestion for a name didn’t make the poll, but we voted anyway…all of the names are great! So good to see adorable Kirby too! Have a great day!

    • oh wow! I wrote Miracle on my list to include in the poll, …and I checked it twice so it was a complete mistake it didn’t make the list! I’ll try to add it in if I can, sorry about that! 🙂

  2. Loved the video! Your fishie is adorables!!! I voted on the name…I was gonna go with my FAVorite (Ruby) butts I decided on another name at the last minute!
    Oh, Poor Kirby, the water torture!!!! Wells, you look FABulous dude!!
    Ruby ♥

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