Hey! Happy holidays, videos and moving

Sorry we have been away. With the holidays and moving (which will be done by the end of January) we have been very busy. So needless to say with that we have not been up to much new. Besides the weather here being anywhere from -9 to -37 degrees we sadly haven’t even been on many walks as Kirby will quickly turn into a icicle if he is out any more then a few minutes!
I just wanted to write a quick post hoping everyone’s holidays have been amazing, and you all are pumped for the New Year, I know Kirby and I are! I can’t wait for us to be settled so I can get back to the normal routine and seeing how everyone else is doing!
Kirby has been very unimpressed with me neglecting the blog I mean if pictures say a million words…
Untitled-1Mind the face I make ..it was a screenshot…

And it was from my latest video, which I’ll link down below.

Have you guys made any New Years revolutions? and if you have tell me! 🙂