NOT so Wordless wednesday- Poe and the intruder!

We missed mischief monday again! How could we, and this time there was lots of mischief to write about. So I guess better late then never. I got the privilege of puppy-sitting one of Kirby’s best buddies Rocco. I know you guys got to see him in a post about a month ago, but man has he grown! He is developing quite the personality as well,which works perfectly for Kirby’s rambunctious self. I took lots of pictures to share with you guys, and uploaded a video about it for those who want to see him in action.
Rocco although cute and playful like Kirby, is quite different than any dog I have ever owned – and no its not just the random snorting he gives every couple seconds, but it has helped put him up there! (Caught a bit on video- see below)

Kirby for example likes to show off his skills by ducking and running under Rocco to show off just how much faster he is, than poor Rocco could ever be, and Rocco simply uses his weight (as its all he has in his defense) to try and pin Kirby for a good play-fight. Rocco is very much a puppy and though he’s learning doesn’t have all the social manners Kirby is used to, that added to him weighing a good solid 15+ pounds already, I had to be sure to supervise that Rocco’s play tactics didn’t accidentally squish the poor little Kirbster XD.

Because he has never met Poe before (our family dog) who has a bit of anti-social behavior due to his past, I had to be on top of my game when introducing the little squirt to him and “his territory”. So I used some of the tips I have mentioned before in my videos. Poe as I suspected wasn’t in for being buddies (unlike Kirby) as when Rocco tried to play with him, Poe would give a little don’t-bug-me growl and walk away. Other then that though they co-existed fine, and Poe was quite content looking a the two bozos
– immature pups (trust me he was thinking it) play and scurry around, not very interesting for a 8 year old boy who would rather lounge with us humans, then have to intermingle with these two rambunctious pups, as they ran and played…and ran and played circles around him.

I did get one shot though of the three of them snuggling together, or should I say Poe lying down and these two snuggling up to him,and him being to lazy to move. Never-the-less it was quite adorable!

Here’s the video, pictures are below it.


I also wanted to thank Trompie (one of our very first blogging buddies) on this fabulous award and want to pass it along.


The following “rules” go with the award

1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your wordpress experience and family

4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them

5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as  a friend, and spread the love

Here’s our 10 picks! In no particular order… -EMMA -Nyla-blue -Easy -Faris & Bueller – Mollie & Alfie – Ann – Gizmo -Gracie and Henri -Speedy – Max

I wish I could pick more,but this is far from my last award nomination :D! I picked you guys because you have either been there for us since the beginning or have been a great supporter of us, and I hope I have been equal to that to you. You are all part of my blog-family 🙂

Movie + boredom + sweater = This poor dog…….

So Me and Kirby just finished a whole movie marathon, we found this…..







final 3



Also one last annoying thing: Most of you have already watched this in yesterdays post, but if not please check out our latest video!

Ancient Dog and Valentine fundraiser sandwhich for one!

Hello all, and Happy Monday! So Kirby and I have a thought! And well Poe to yes he was also thinking on this process…



On to to other news I have decided to do something a bit different today, that is to start a fun little activity so we can all get to know each other’s dogs  better and pay tribute to the breed!

  • It will be every  held every Saturday . When the first “Ancient Beginnings” posts start and from then on you can enter your dog in the comments for the next one
  • How it works is you will leave a comment below the first ancient beginning’s post once it is set up, and add the symbol (@) and then the name and breed of your dog (if he is a mixed pick the breed you would like to know about).
  • a commenter out of the comments below will be picked by by Thursday night to get a whole post dedicated to their  dog/cat/hamster/mixed breeds in learning their ” ancient beginnings!”
  • The best part is the blogger who gets picked can make their own post instead if they wish about their breeds ancient beginning’s and I will simply do a quick recap of what they had to say and include links for the readers to go check out the story on the picked blogger’s post.
  • Though who knows, I might be the only geeky animal-lover in here who is fascinated to find out about the origins of our breeds. So I decided to create a poll, a straight forward yay or neigh to see if this is a good idea. SO PLEASE VOTE BELOW.
  • I will let the poll run for a week as the first one will be next Saturday, so even though we don’t know if this is happening for sure start entering you animal if you want to be picked.
  • entries will be cut off at the end of friday, so I can find out the winner for Saturday’s post


Anyways like it or not the rest of this post will be My kirby’s ancient beginnings. Since he is a Maltese and Yorkie, I had to pick one and I picked the one I think he most resembles in looks and character and that is the Maltese.

  • Though it can only be estimated the earliest recorded suggestion that the breed Maltese were apart of our earth was roughly 500 B.C on the island of Malta.
  • where they migrated over during that time to Egypt and Greece, which we know through subtle drawings and artifacts.
  • Ancient dogs related to the  Maltese were said to be Lhasa Apso,  Tibetan Terrier, Tibetan spaniel and the pekingese
  • Their name Maltese was taken from Malta and said to mean “white fluffy cloud”Sun_in_white_cloud
  • Malta served  as a center of trade for a time and even then the Maltese was looked on as a highly valuable animal simply based on its small size, adorable traits, and novelty.
  • Maltese were very popular with wealthy Roman women who carried them as lap dogs and companions.
  • After the breed survived the fall of Rome due to its popularity, a pair was given to Chinese Emperor Kou Tzu around 620 A.D and it is there that the Maltese breed began to make its way around the world.
  • Said to be Queen Victoria's Maltese 1839

    Said to be Queen Victoria’s Maltese 1839

  • By the 13th century the Maltese had become a breed now known in European countries,often being bartered for other goods.
  • by 1558, the breed was well established in Britain so much so that Queen Victoria owned one..
  • Maltese continued to be popular with the ladies for their beauty, companionship, and sometimes as living flea traps for the wealthy.
  • At this stage the more smaller the breed the more appealing they were, some not bigger then common ferrets, sometimes described as the size of squirrels even.1074
  • In the Renaissance area Maltese were believed to  possess healing powers, some methods included placing the dog o
    early 1800's painting

    early 1800’s painting

    n the sick person’s pillow ,or could relieve indigestion if placed on the stomach. This is when the got the nickname comforter dogs.

  • The Maltese continued to be popular  even during the Victorian era , where it was common for them to have long silky coats ,hair tied in satin ribbons, and were even dyed to match the colour of their lady’s attire.
  • IN 1888 Maltese were accepted into the AKC.
Maltese 1904

Maltese 1904

  • Maltese came in a variety of colours till the early 1900’s

As one can maybe get the hint, up until their early days of life and evolution they were lucky enough to be respected and adorned similar to how they all are to this day. Not much has changed in this pampered pooche’s life, perhaps which is in fact what makes it so domesticated and pleasant in this day and age.

Me and Kirby just wanted to finally thank Anne Paws who generously making us this absolutely POSITIVELY adorable little picture of Kirby. Right now Pawsitively pets has a charity fundraiser going on where if you donate $1 (or more!) you will be not only helping a animal based charity but Ann will personally make you a fun Valentine’s greeting card, which I am going to be showing loud and proud on the right hand side, so if you click the button there you will be redirected to her fundraiser campaign. Also she will randomly select out of everyone who has donated with a charity in mind, which charity will be picked!


Thanks again Snoopy for the blog hop, click the button below to start a hoppin!


P.S.- IS anybody else’s wordpress reader so slow that it is just continually loading?I noticed they changed the layout for the new reader could this be the problem?

Fun and grooming- yes those words do belong together VIDEO VLOG

So today is the much anticipated☮ grooming day!!!!!!! And what does that mean, not much but pulling out the old groomer kit and giving it a whirl☮. I in no way think I am a pro at this, but I intend to make it a continuous learning experience,  lucky for me my customer can’t complain. It is still freezing  winter outside so we decided to turn our family room coffee table into the groomer room, equipped☮ with a table cloth and plastic sheet!If you can spare a minute Please watch the video, as it was quite cute to make and you can see some of Kirby’s true little characteristics come out (running to the sofa as soon as he had the  chance! lol)

The after math


And here are the before and afters!!! >I can’t help but feel this what Kirby having a pup might look like….


-I pawticipate in these two lovely hops. One is VBP, the other is the Saturday pet blogger hop. Click the buttons below to be redirected to the creator’s sites and join the hop!


Kirby shows off

Not a long post today as I am still pretty sick. Though I did do a video! I decided although nothing special,clearly! Lol, it was time to show off Kirby’s tricks! As you can see form the last part of the video he was always! I would roll my eyes, but am still sick so even that takes work! XD.

(It should be 2 minutes, if it gets caught off try clicking the youtube button on the video:))

P.s- Am I the only one who wants to go here simply because of the sign?


Can you see him?

I like thee twinkling lights

I like thee twinkling lights

Anyways thanks again Snoopy for Monday Mischief! Click button below to go directly to Snoopy’s blog and join the hop!


New domain +awards+ kirby’s favorite spot

A lot of really fun things have happened so far this week. I got a domain name (yay), and some lovely awards. In which I get to answer some fun questions to go along with it all! I have been very sick all this week so Kirby doesn’t know what to do with me lying in bed the whole day, safe to say he is very bored. But yet, even with me being so he still only strays a few yards away from me each time.



I have been so lucky and blessed to have two great bloggers who blessed me with this award.



And the wonderful bloggy pals who gave it to me are Remy, from onebluedog,

and Milo from Milo’s mad life!

Now they created questions for me to answer so I intend to do just that. Starting with Remy (who is

A.K.A Blue to me 🙂

1. How did you know your pup/bunny/person was the right one for you?

I knew I guess right when I saw him. I was waiting in the foyer for him, then all of a sudden here comes this cute little white ball of fluff (literally). He was pretty much the cutest thing I had ever set eyes on. His sweet personality ( his crazy side hadn’t come out yet XD), and his innocent little demeanor just literally melted my heart. He was the first dog ever to be truly mine. I had saved up money for him throughout the last couple years, had researched all about puppies so I knew what I was getting into, so too finally realize I had my dog, was an amazing feeling.

2. What is your most favorite of all treats you have ever tasted?

Kirby’s favorite treats are greenies, or any chicken pieces I use for training.

3. Does anyone actually enjoy a bath? I mean really…

Kirby: Ummm….next question

No kirby does NOT like baths.

4. What is the most exciting adventure you ever had?

Well for Kirby and I we went to a annual festival my town had. There was so many people and other dogs, it was the first time Kirby had had so much interaction with so many things at once. He was petted by little girls, sniffed bums with other dogs, and saw a horse even….which he proceeded to bark at. It was quite the day for sure.

5. What kind of music do you like the most? You can say a radio program instead if you like it better

Kirby: “what is it with this music? My mom listens to Lana Del Rey and The Script all the time, telling me how great they are, but to me its just jumbled up noise. I mean I already have enough problems trying to understand this ‘english’ these humans speak,now your throwing in music?!

Now on to Milo’s questions:

Where is the one place you would love to visit?

The one place I would like to visit is Hawaii! It would be even awesome-er if there was some kind of hotel that allowed pets and had a doggy daycare so I could bring my little buddy along!- Yes I realize this is something a crazy dog lady says, don’t get me wrong though with or without that doggy extra I am still packing my bags!

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are…..blogging (duh), learning more and more about dogs (-told ya crazy dog lady here), cooking (kinda,maybe), PINTEREST! (is that considered a hobby?), and of course having fun times with family and friends

Have you got any bizarre talents?

I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue! Oh and I can do the cherry knot thing (if you give me about a hour….)

Favorite foods?

Well lets see: pizza, fries, chocolate, and asparagus (yes I know,odd choice)

If you could be any animal in the world, what would it be?

I used to want to be a dog. Because man, do they have the life lying around, getting food handed to them, playing, sleeping….but then I thought about the dogs who had no choice and no way out and landed with a not-so-nice owner, which in that life is not so good. So instead I pick a bird, preferably a flamingo , who wouldn’t want to be a gigantic pink thing that could fly?

How would you describe yourself in one word?


Whats your favorite movie, tv show and book?

My favorite T.V show right now is Survivor, or yes I know I know, but its the real housewives….

Do you have any goals in life that you want to achieve?

I would like to be happy in life.

What do you love most about blogging?

Connecting with people who love and enjoy the same things as me, who otherwise I would have never met:)

Whats your fears and phobias?

This is morbid but being buried alive


Being stranded/lost in some very foreign country without anything but the clothes on my back (I watched a movie, and now I have this fear)

Most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

I slipped very ungracefully and fell very ungracefully on my bum, infront of half the school and crush.Everyone laughed 😦

Okay so here are the rules: (my nominees must follow these rules too!)

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Share five things about yourself
3. Answer five questions presented by KIRBYSDAWGBLOG (below)
4. Ask five new questions to your nominated bloggers
5. Reveal your top five picks {with less than 200 readers} and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
6. Copy and paste the award on your blog
7. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers and keep it going!


1.Firstly, I have to add Gizmo,

2.NylaBlue and mom

3. Chancy and mumsy

4. Zena

5. Gracie and Henri

6. Icewolves Of Europa

7. Pibbles


1. What happened the  first day who got your dog/cat?

2. Do you have a goal in mind for your blog this year? what is it?

3. What is the on thing of all others you love about your cat/dog?

4. An embarrassing moment with them, tell it?!

5. What is a common misconception/ pet peever people have about your dog/cat/breed, that you would like to clear up!?

Now I realize some of you cat/dogs are the actual writers of your blog, but maybe you could interview your ma or pa to get the answers!

and finally…..Five things about Kirby

a. He likes to pretend he’s a cat and lay down on the top of the couch instead of the actual couch.

b. He likes to bark at things only he can see.

c. He likes to wake you up by licking up your nose…or trying to (What a charmer)

d. He is a bit standoffish at first but once he is picked up or confronted head on he turns into a sweet little marshmallow

e. For bedtime, he’d rather sleep on top of my head in bed-laying down, than beside me or in his doggy bed.

And finally the evidence of letter A.

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Almost forgot to mention, if not you guys have to check out the valentine’s day bash hosted by Mollie and Ranger. Click the link to be redirected to Molly and Alfie on all the details!









And thanks Pepi for the great hop. Just click below to hop along



Kirby’s Pet Pak and Plaque Blast review

So, when I first got Kirby, back in the summer, during our first vet visit we were given a “pet pak”. Now I’m sure it may not look like much of a revelation for most of you dog owner’s out there, but for a unorgainzed-but-trying-very-hard-to-be-orgaized person like me I am now so glad I had something like this. I know this is a blog but if your not wanting to read you can watch this quick video where I go through everything that is in Kirby’s puppy pack.

It came with a comb, a toy, a toothbrush, and some general puppy information. When I first got it I was so pleased with all the things that came inside, but was sure the pack would end up not being used (knowing my usually unorganized self) in the back of my closet.


Though, refreshingly enough it has come in quite handy with storing and organizing all Kirby’s little medications, vet information or hygiene things. This pack is just one things placed in his “puppy drawer” which is full of his coats, sweaters, brushes, hair clipper etc. I know for a fact now, without this handy little pack more then half the things I keep in here would have disappeared into the great abyss of my home by now. I think this pack idea or anything similar just makes my life as a dog owner so much more easier, as I now know where anything little or important thing can be now conveniently found.


In here holds his medication /flea medication at the top. A brush, nail clippers, and his dental care in the middle. His vet information at the bottom, and some coupons on the back

021I have been using this plaque blast on Poe actually for the last month. I was extremely skeptical it did any of what it said, as the T.V commercials were pretty much telling you a spray of this $15 dollar bottle did what you  sometimes end up paying hundreds of dollars for your vet to do and that it is, remove all the plaque. But I’m a sucker for these things and decided to give it a shot on Poe. As I was not sure if it was harmless to use on puppies, and Poe was the one with the oral health issues. When we first got him 8 years ago, I’ll admit I never really knew how important it was to brush a dog’s teeth, to me it was the same thing as putting your dog into a very uncomfortable frilly pink dress simply because it was “your baby”. Well since than I have learned the extreme importance of it, which is why I have a whole little toothbrush kit as you can see above for both Kirby and Poe. Anyways- He still has a bit  of plaque stuck between his back molars, and although the blast has helped it  (IT REALLY HAS!) I am pretty sure that that plaque would need professional help.  Though all in all it really did do a decent job. His teeth are quite nice and white, and for being a mature small dog (as they are more prone to teeth issues) that has had his teeth neglected for the first few years they are looking pretty great since this process. All in all it did better then expected, but I still think the toothbrush and toothpaste work the best, but if your tired or have no time, this is fast and convenient for in a pinch. So I do think if you want to try it out, it is worth the shot. I picked it up at Petsmart.

So unfortunately, not a lot has been going on with Kirby or I, and I have been busy this week so if this post seems boring to you, it probably is, I just haven’t posted in a week and wanted to get involved somehow! Hopefully this weekend we will be attempting to see if any doggies and their owners are resurfacing since this crazy weather we’ve been having (Oh canada!), if so I will be posting more soon! Until then, time to see what you guys are all up to:)

p.s- sorry I haven’t been on lately! If I haven’t been visiting your bloggy in a while, its just because I have hardly been on wordpress this past week! Will catch up though on everyone!

Thanks Snoopy , click button below to join his bloghop


Nighty night Kirby

I don’t know how many people come up to me when they see him and say “Aww he’s so calm,I wish my dog was like that”.  To that I respond “ahh haha, no no, trust me he has his moments!”. He often takes his hyper crazy personality out at night.

They say dogs can’t see 2D, and that may be true, but I caught some footage of Kirby taking quite a interest to some busy puppies on the computer, it was really cute like he was watching what was going on. I also got some footage the same night of his “attempt” to interact with the cat Rascal. It’s not just the simple fact that they are a cat and dog, but even so, they have completely opposite personalities, which I think just makes it tougher for Kirby to understand him. I think Rascal understands him very well “get away you pesky mutt!” , yet as you can see in the video Kirby does desperately try to make friends with him. Maybe one day little guy.

I actually am getting quite frustrated though with the fact I am unable to see anyone really out anymore (dog wise) on our walks. I know it is the winter so many people must not be walking their dogs anymore, but its frustrating because although Kirby is 9 months old now he is still a puppy and still needs his socialization time. Since he hasn’t seen any dogs for so long I see him getting more edgier when we finally does see one, even the dog park is empty. I actually even have been going to Petsmart more often in hopes of him meeting a couple more, how crazy is that. And finally as the night draws to a close Kirby sleeps:) Happy Friday everyone.

*P.S- DON’T WORRY GUYS!- In the video it looks like Rascal scratched kirby’s eye, but he is actually de-clawed (many many years ago before I knew about the de-clawing truths!)


Now as I have entered a bloghop I was asked to answer these very questions.

This week’s statements:
1. Every time I see a ____ I oh an ah…
2. I don’t have a ___ bone in my body
3. I like ___ on my burgers
4. If I had one more hour in the day I would _________


1.Every time I see a baby monkey I oh and ah..

2. I don’t have a un-loyal bone in my body

3. I like relish and mustard on my burgers (but hotdogs are my favorite)

4. If I had one more hour in the day I would give more hugs and cuddles to my animals.

Thanks for hosting this blog. If you click the button below you will be sent to and her blog hop!


Thanks 2browndogs for hosting the follow-up hop, just click the button to be redirected to their blog


A thankyou Comic book style!

Yes, I am perfectly aware this isn’t Thankful Thursday! Actually,  I don’t think I even ever did a Thankful Thursday (wow, great person I am) but realizing 2012 is coming to a close, it makes me a bit sentimental, and maybe a bit crazy. I wanted to thank those most who have been so kind and gone the extra mile in getting to know me and Kirby, and who I have not yet got the pleasure of thanking. Kirby often reminds me of yes a cartoon character. Which one? Not a clue, maybe like the mix that he is, he is also a mix in cartoons as well. Sometimes I see Bugs bunny as he confidently and  nonchalantly goes about to tear the garbage out of the can, sometimes its tweety, as he sits there on his sofa perch so innocently antagonizing the cat still, somehow, in a subtle way I can only bring down to animal language. And yes he definitely is a road runner, when I catch him doing something naughty, instead of “beep beep” it’s “ruff ruff” and off he goes as fast as his little paws will take him from the scene of the crime!

So in inspiration of Kirby I thought why not say a thank you in a silly way we know how…comic book style! As each of these guys are like the superheros that have helped Kirby’s dawg blog come to life! There are many many other friends I have met along the way but for this I am doing it for the guys who have found me and been there since the beginning or has really done something to touch our hearts! I put a little tag on them in case you want to add it to your awards section or something…not that this is really a award, but whatever!

First up is….Jetty! >Do you guys even have a bad bone in your body? Well I sure know your ma doesn’t!

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Next up is….Trompie! > You were my very first follower and we still keep in touch every week!

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Next up is……Mollie and Alfie

>Do you know I think you guys have commented on every post I ever put up!!! Holy Moley!


Next up is……Poppy!

>”Me’s thinks if we ever met up we really would be best friends! I mean we already have the same fashion sense!”

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Next is…..Misaki

>Your just soooo cool!

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Next is…..Emma

>Fun yet classy Emma, future model in the making!

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Next is….Millie and Oceana

>You two are a perfect pair!

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Next is…… Gizzy!

>”We are on this blog journey together my friend, and I hope it never ends!”- Kirby

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–Now for the last four I have only met quite recently but they have been so kind and have wonderful blogs, on top of that they have given so much of their time already to read mine!


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                 Petals & Blossom

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—————————————————————————————Love you all from—————————————————–



Comic book style Kirby & his ma!

That toooook soooooo long, lol, but it was worth it!

And finally to top it all off here is the little Kirby in the snow! And his famous little “love you” lick!


Kirby literally will only go a few feet in front of us than look back to make sure we are still there, then proceeds to run back to us, where he starts the process all over again, as you can see in the video. Poor thing. XD

Thanks Snoopy for hosting Monday Mischief, just click the badge and you can join the hop or visit Snoopy’s blog!


Happy New Years Everyone!

Photos were cartooned here: